The frog that wanted an owner
There was once a frog that wanted an owner. Now that is very unusual as no animal would like an owner, but the frog wanted a nice owner. An elf wanted a pet. She wanted something she could talk to but no animal can talk. She knew a mouse who knew the very frog who wanted an owner, so the mouse went to the elf’s house and told her in his squeaky voice that he would go and tell the frog that wanted an owner that the elf, whose name was Nicola, was unhappy. She said that she wanted something cuddly and cute, not ugly like a frog. The mouse couldn’t do anything so he scuttled away leaving Nicola crying in her house. By the way, the frog’s name was Rahul. The elf decided to make a magic spell and make a kitten with whom she could play and cuddle up with at night. The kitten would never grow up. She would name the kitten Jemima. So she started out with making the kitten. She got all the things required. She needed robin eggs, buttercups, paper, water and ice. First she had to boil the water and while the water was boiling she had to slowly keep the robin eggs one by one inside the boiling water then dance around it singing magic words. Then she had to drop in the buttercups (all together) and dance around it again. Then she had to tear the paper and throw it inside the almost boiled water. It would be a paste. Nicola now had to shape the paste as a kitten and bake it with ice. But how could anybody bake something with ice? But Nicola had a magic way of doing it. A gnome in the mountains had told it to her. She then baked the kitten and she had a lovely frisky kitten to play with. Rahul the frog was very sad because he could not find an owner for him so he got a very good idea. He would go and stay with his aunt in her house. She would take good care of him.
Moral – do not hate others.
what a lovely story! I'm glad that rahul the frog finally found someone to take care of him and thanks for teaching me how to make kittens- I think I'll go make some right now...can you ask that gnome in the mountain how to bake ice?
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